Conscious Cinema
proudly presents

Vanishing Of The Bees
a film by George Langworthy and MaryamHenein
Honeybees have been mysteriously disappearing across the planet, literally vanishing from their hives. Known as Colony Collapse Disorder, this phenomenon threatens the loss of much more than honey as we depend on honeybees to pollinate one third of the food on our tables. Vanishing of the Bees chronicles the innermost thoughts and feelings of beekeepers and scientists as they fight to preserve the honeybee and make it through another day.
Featuring experts like author MichaelPollan, the film also presents a platform of solutions, encouraging audiences to be the change they want to see in the world. This award-winning documentary examines the alarming disappearance of honeybees and the greater meaning it holds about the relationship between Humankind and Mother Earth.
Special Guest Speakers: Henry Kurland, President, and Barbara Sinclair, Vice President of Long Beach Beekeepers. They will bring an observation hive and honey sticks will be available for sale to support Long Beach Beekeepers.
Join Us As We Celebrate International Mother Earth Day And Explore This Important Issue!
Donation: $5.00
When: Friday, April 26th @ 8 p.m.
Hellada Art Center
117 Linden Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90802
(562) 435-5232
For parking information go to:
Our host, Hellada Art Center is graciously providing wine and other refreshments. Don't forget to drop something in their tip jar if you wish to enjoy some wine and light refreshments. Thank you!
Conscious Cinema: Without Awareness, There Can Be No Peace