Jim first noticed a small docile swarm of bees in his wife's Japanese maple tree a few days ago. They were there minding their own business and he thought that they would be perfect for a beekeeper's hive. He searched the web and the first call he made was to a person who said for $150 he could come and kill them. Aghhh!!! Not what he was looking for. He then came across Henry who forwarded the info to our club, the Long Beach Beekeepers. In no time we came to the rescue. I came after work and Jim and his wife were sitting on their front porch. They were so nice and welcoming. And they didn't even know I was the bee person at first!

He showed me the cute group of bees, just the size of a tiny melon resting in the tree, content to be in their beautiful front yard. They had already started building some comb but were ready to move into the little nuc that I had. They'll be part of our beginning beekeeping class today. If you are interested in learning beekeeping, we'll have these classes at least twice a year and will be working on a monthly mentoring session. Look out for more details. Thank-you, Jim, for calling us.